The Test Keyword

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How Automattic ( & co.) partly moved away from PHPUnit to atoum?

Automattic has partly moved away from PHPUnit to use atoum. This article describes the pros and cons, the difficulties, the benefits, the tooling we had to write to integrate to the continous integration workflows etc.

atoum supports TeamCity

atoum gains a new extension: atoum/teamcity-extension to get full integration with TeamCity!

RFCs should provide executable test suites

I've implemented xCal and xCard formats inside the sabre/dav libraries. While testing the different RFCs against my implementation, several errata have been found. This article, first, quickly list them and, second, ask questions about how such errors can be present and how they can be easily revealed. If reading my dry humor about RFC errata is boring, the next sections are more interesting. The whole idea is: Why RFCs do not provide executable test suites?

atoum has two release managers

atoum gains 2 release managers for a better project management!