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🐘+🦀+🕸 php-ext-wasm: Migrating from wasmi to Wasmer

This article explains how and why I've migrated php-ext-wasm from wasmi to Wasmer.

The PHP galaxy

This episode is the end of our experimental, and so of our journey. With the C API we have defined, we can now explore the PHP galaxy. First off, we need to discover how to write a PHP extension. Once it's done, we can write improve our skeleton extension to use our Rust parser via C. As usual, we will compare our Rust to C to PHP design versus the current PEG.php solution. Is it faster? Once again, it's amazing how faster it is!

How Automattic ( & co.) partly moved away from PHPUnit to atoum?

Automattic has partly moved away from PHPUnit to use atoum. This article describes the pros and cons, the difficulties, the benefits, the tooling we had to write to integrate to the continous integration workflows etc.

Random thoughts about ::class in PHP

I am bored of PHP. Let's have fun with ::class!

Export functions in PHP à la Javascript

I am bored of PHP. Can it be as horrible funky as JavaScript?

Tagua VM, a safe PHP virtual machine

Watch my last talk at the PHPTour conference about Tagua VM, an experimental PHP runtime written in Rust and LLVM.