atoum supports TeamCity

atoum is a popular PHP test framework. TeamCity is a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery software developed by Jetbrains. Despites atoum supports many industry standards to report test execution verdicts, TeamCity uses its own non-standard report, and thus atoum is not compatible with TeamCity… until now.

The atoum/teamcity-extension provides TeamCity support inside atoum. When executing tests, the reported verdicts are understandable by TeamCity, and activate all its UI features.


If you have Composer, just run:

$ composer require atoum/teamcity-extension '~1.0'

From this point, you need to enable the extension in your .atoum.php configuration file. The following example forces to enable the extension for every test execution:


$extension = new atoum\teamcity\extension($script);

The following example enables the extension only within a TeamCity environment:


$extension = new atoum\teamcity\extension($script);

This latter installation is recommended. That's it 🙂.


The default CLI report looks like this:

Default atoum CLI report

The default CLI report is the default one from atoum.

The TeamCity report looks like this in your terminal (note the TEAMCITY_VERSION variable as a way to emulate a TeamCity environment):

TeamCity report inside the terminal

The TeamCity report is text-based, but it is aimed at being consumed by a formatter to produce HTML.

Which is less easy to read. However, when it comes into TeamCity UI, we will have the following result:

TeamCity running atoum

The final rendering, at an HTML document inside TeamCity itself.

We are using it at Automattic. Hope it is useful for someone else!

If you find any bugs, or would like any other features, please use Github at the following repository: