The WebAssembly galaxy

The first galaxy that our Rust parser will explore is the WebAssembly (Wasm) galaxy. This post will explain what WebAssembly is, how to compile the parser into WebAssembly, and how to use the WebAssembly binary with Javascript in a browser and with NodeJS.

What is WebAssembly, and why?

If you already know WebAssembly, you can skip this section.

WebAssembly defines itself as:

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable target for compilation of high-level languages like C/C++/Rust, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.

Should I say more? Probably, yes…

WebAssembly is a new portable binary format. Languages like C, C++, or Rust already compiles to this target. It is the spirit successor of ASM.js. By spirit successor, I mean it is the same people trying to extend the Web platform and to make the Web fast that are working on both technologies. They share some design concepts too, but that's not really important right now.

Before WebAssembly, programs had to compile to Javascript in order to run on the Web platform. The resulting files were most of the time large. And because the Web is a network, the files had to be downloaded, and it took time. WebAssembly is designed to be encoded in a size- and load-time efficient binary format.

WebAssembly is also faster than Javascript for many reasons. Despites all the crazy optimisations engineers put in the Javascript virtual machines, Javascript is a weakly and dynamically typed language, which requires to be interpreted. WebAssembly aims to execute at native speed by taking advantage of common hardware capabilities. WebAssembly also loads faster than Javascript because parsing and compiling happen while the binary is streamed from the network. So once the binary is entirely fetched, it is ready to run: No need to wait on the parser and the compiler before running the program.

Today, and our blog series is a perfect example of that, it is possible to write a Rust program, and to compile it to run on the Web platform. Why? Because WebAssembly is implemented by all major browsers, and because it has been designed for the Web: To live and run on the Web platform (like a browser). But its portable aspect and its safe and sandboxed memory design make it a good candidate to run outside of the Web platform (see a serverless Wasm framework, or an application container built for Wasm).

I think it is important to remind that WebAssembly is not here to replace Javascript. It is just another technology which solves many problems we can meet today, like load-time, safety, or speed.

Rust 🚀 WebAssembly

Rust to Wasm

The Rust Wasm team is a group of people leading the effort of pushing Rust into WebAssembly with a set of tools and integrations. There is a book explaining how to write a WebAssembly program with Rust.

With the Gutenberg Rust parser, I didn't use tools like wasm-bindgen (which is a pure gem) when I started the project few months ago because I hit some limitations. Note that some of them have been addressed since then! Anyway, we will do most of the work by hand, and I think this is an excellent way to understand how things work in the background. When you are familiar with WebAssembly interactions, then wasm-bindgen is an excellent tool to have within easy reach, because it abstracts all the interactions and let you focus on your code logic instead.

I would like to remind the reader that the Gutenberg Rust parser exposes one AST, and one root function (the axiom of the grammar), respectively defined as:

pub enum Node<'a> {
    Block {
        name: (Input<'a>, Input<'a>),
        attributes: Option<Input<'a>>,
        children: Vec<Node<'a>>


pub fn root(
    input: Input
) -> Result<(Input, Vec<ast::Node>), nom::Err<Input>>;

Knowing that, let's go!

General design

Here is our general design or workflow:

  1. Javascript (for instance) writes the blog post to parse into the WebAssembly module memory,
  2. Javascript runs the root function by passing a pointer to the memory, and the length of the blog post,
  3. Rust reads the blog post from the memory, runs the Gutenberg parser, compiles the resulting AST into a sequence of bytes, and returns the pointer to this sequence of bytes to Javascript,
  4. Javascript reads the memory from the received pointer, and decodes the sequence of bytes as Javascript objects in order to recreate an AST with a friendly API.

Why a sequence of bytes? Because WebAssembly only supports integers and floats, not strings or vectors, and also because our Rust parser takes a slice of bytes as input, so this is handy.

We use the term boundary layer to refer to this Javascript piece of code responsible to read from and write into the WebAssembly module memory, and responsible of exposing a friendly API.

Now, we will focus on the Rust code. It consists of only 4 functions:

The entire code lands here. It is approximately 150 lines of code. We explain it.

Memory allocation

Let's start by the memory allocator. I choose to use wee_alloc for the memory allocator. It is specifically designed for WebAssembly by being very small (less than a kilobyte) and efficient.

The following piece of code describes the memory allocator setup and the “prelude” for our code (enabling some compiler features, like alloc, declaring external crates, some aliases, and declaring required function like panic, oom etc.). This can be considered as a boilerplate:


extern crate gutenberg_post_parser;
extern crate wee_alloc;
#[macro_use] extern crate alloc;

use gutenberg_post_parser::ast::Node;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::{mem, slice};

static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    unsafe { core::intrinsics::abort(); }

fn oom(_: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! {
    unsafe { core::intrinsics::abort(); }

// This is the definition of `std::ffi::c_void`, but Wasm runs without std in our case.
pub enum c_void {


The Rust memory is the WebAssembly memory. Rust will allocate and deallocate memory on its own, but Javascript for instance needs to allocate and deallocate WebAssembly memory in order to communicate/exchange data. So we need to export one function to allocate memory and one function to deallocate memory.

Once again, this is almost a boilerplate. The alloc function creates an empty vector of a specific capacity (because it is a linear segment of memory), and returns a pointer to this empty vector:

pub extern "C" fn alloc(capacity: usize) -> *mut c_void {
    let mut buffer = Vec::with_capacity(capacity);
    let pointer = buffer.as_mut_ptr();

    pointer as *mut c_void

Note the #[no_mangle] attribute that instructs the Rust compiler to not mangle the function name, i.e. to not rename it. And extern "C" to export the function in the WebAssembly module, so it is “public” from outside the WebAssembly binary.

The code is pretty straightforward and matches what we announced earlier: A Vec is allocated with a specific capacity, and the pointer to this vector is returned. The important part is mem::forget(buffer). It is required so that Rust will not deallocate the vector once it goes out of scope. Indeed, Rust enforces Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII), so whenever an object goes out of scope, its destructor is called and its owned resources are freed. This behavior shields against resource leaks bugs, and this is why we will never have to manually free memory or worry about memory leaks in Rust (see some RAII examples). In this case, we want to allocate and keep the allocation after the function execution, hence the mem::forget call.

Let's jump on the dealloc function. The goal is to recreate a vector based on a pointer and a capacity, and to let Rust drops it:

pub extern "C" fn dealloc(pointer: *mut c_void, capacity: usize) {
    unsafe {
        let _ = Vec::from_raw_parts(pointer, 0, capacity);

The Vec::from_raw_parts function is marked as unsafe, so we need to delimit it in an unsafe block so that the dealloc function is considered as safe.

The variable _ contains our data to deallocate, and it goes out of scope immediately, so Rust drops it.

From input to a flat AST

Now the core of the binding! The root function reads the blog post to parse based on a pointer and a length, then it parses it. If the result is OK, it serializes the AST into a sequence of bytes, i.e. it flatten it, otherwise it returns an empty sequence of bytes.

Flatten AST

The image illustrates the flow of the data: first off there is a blog post; second there is the AST of the blog post; finally there is a linear byte-encoded representation of the AST of the blog post.

The logic flow of the parser: The input on the left is parsed into an AST, which is serialized into a flat sequence of bytes on the right.

pub extern "C" fn root(pointer: *mut u8, length: usize) -> *mut u8 {
    let input = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(pointer, length) };
    let mut output = vec![];

    if let Ok((_remaining, nodes)) = gutenberg_post_parser::root(input) {
        // Compile the AST (nodes) into a sequence of bytes.

    let pointer = output.as_mut_ptr();


The variable input contains the blog post. It is fetched from memory with a pointer and a length. The variable output is the sequence of bytes the function will return. gutenberg_post_parser::root(input) runs the parser. If parsing is OK, then the nodes are compiled into a sequence of bytes (omitted for now). Then the pointer to the sequence of bytes is grabbed, the Rust compiler is instructed to not drop it, and finally the pointer is returned. The logic is again pretty straightforward.

Now, let's focus on the AST to the sequence of bytes (u8) compilation. All data the AST hold are already bytes, which makes the process easier. The goal is only to flatten the AST:

Here is the missing part of the root function:

if let Ok((_remaining, nodes)) = gutenberg_post_parser::root(input) {
    let nodes_length = u32_to_u8s(nodes.len() as u32);


    for node in nodes {
        into_bytes(&node, &mut output);

And here is the into_bytes function:

fn into_bytes<'a>(node: &Node<'a>, output: &mut Vec<u8>) {
    match *node {
        Node::Block { name, attributes, ref children } => {
            let node_type = 1u8;
            let name_length = name.0.len() + name.1.len() + 1;
            let attributes_length = match attributes {
                Some(attributes) => attributes.len(),
                None => 4
            let attributes_length_as_u8s = u32_to_u8s(attributes_length as u32);

            let number_of_children = children.len();
            output.push(name_length as u8);
            output.push(number_of_children as u8);


            if let Some(attributes) = attributes {
            } else {

            for child in children {
                into_bytes(&child, output);

        Node::Phrase(phrase) => {
            let node_type = 2u8;
            let phrase_length = phrase.len();


            let phrase_length_as_u8s = u32_to_u8s(phrase_length as u32);


What I find interesting with this code is it reads just like the bullet list above the code.

For the most curious, here is the u32_to_u8s function:

fn u32_to_u8s(x: u32) -> (u8, u8, u8, u8) {
        ((x >> 24) & 0xff) as u8,
        ((x >> 16) & 0xff) as u8,
        ((x >> 8)  & 0xff) as u8,
        ( x        & 0xff) as u8

Here we are. alloc, dealloc, root, and into_bytes. Four functions, and everything is done.

Producing and optimising the WebAssembly binary

To get a WebAssembly binary, the project has to be compiled to the wasm32-unknown-unknown target. For now (and it will change in a near future), the nightly toolchain is needed to compile the project, so make sure you have the latest nightly version of rustc & co. installed with rustup update nightly. Let's run cargo:

$ RUSTFLAGS='-g' cargo +nightly build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

The WebAssembly binary weights 22kb. Our goal is to reduce the file size. For that, the following tools will be required:

Basically, what we do is the following:

$ # Garbage-collect unused data.
$ wasm-gc gutenberg_post_parser.wasm

$ # Mark fmt and panicking as unreachable.
$ wasm-snip --snip-rust-fmt-code --snip-rust-panicking-code gutenberg_post_parser.wasm -o gutenberg_post_parser_snipped.wasm
$ mv gutenberg_post_parser_snipped.wasm gutenberg_post_parser.wasm

$ # Garbage-collect unreachable data.
$ wasm-gc gutenberg_post_parser.wasm

$ # Optimise for small size.
$ wasm-opt -Oz -o gutenberg_post_parser_opt.wasm gutenberg_post_parser.wasm
$ mv gutenberg_post_parser_opt.wasm gutenberg_post_parser.wasm

$ # Compress.
$ gzip --best --stdout gutenberg_post_parser.wasm > gutenberg_post_parser.wasm.gz
$ brotli --best --stdout --lgwin=24 gutenberg_post_parser.wasm > 

We end up with the following file sizes:

Neat! Brotli is implemented by most browsers, so when the client sends Accept-Encoding: br, the server can response with the file.

To give you a feeling of what 6.2kb represent, the following image also weights 6.2kb:

The WordPress's logo

An image that is as weight as our compressed WebAssembly module.

The WebAssembly binary is ready to run!

WebAssembly 🚀 Javascript

Wasm to JS

In this section, we assume Javascript runs in a browser. Thus, what we need to do is the following:

  1. Load/stream and instanciate the WebAssembly binary,
  2. Write the blog post to parse in the WebAssembly module memory,
  3. Call the root function on the parser,
  4. Read the WebAssembly module memory to load the flat AST (a sequence of bytes) and decode it to build a “Javascript AST” (with our own objects).

The entire code lands here. It is approximately 150 lines of code too. I won't explain the whole code since some parts of it is the “friendly API” that is exposed to the user. So I will rather explain the major pieces.

Loading/streaming and instanciating

The WebAssembly API exposes multiple ways to load a WebAssembly binary. The best you can use is the WebAssembly.instanciateStreaming function: It streams the binary and compiles it in the same time, nothing is blocking. This API relies on the Fetch API. You might have guessed it: It is asynchronous (it returns a promise). WebAssembly itself is not asynchronous (except if you use thread), but the instanciation step is. It is possible to avoid that, but this is tricky, and Google Chrome has a strong limit of 4kb for the binary size which will make you give up quickly.

To be able to stream the WebAssembly binary, the server must send the application/wasm MIME type (with the Content-Type header).

Let's instanciate our WebAssembly:

const url = '/gutenberg_post_parser.wasm';
const wasm =
        instantiateStreaming(fetch(url), {}).
        then(object => object.instance).
        then(instance => { /* step 2 */ });

The WebAssembly binary has been instanciated! Now we can move to the next step.

Last polish before running the parser

Remember that the WebAssembly binary exports 3 functions: alloc, dealloc, and root. They can be found on the exports property, along with the memory. Let's write that:

        then(instance => {
            const Module = {
                alloc: instance.exports.alloc,
                dealloc: instance.exports.dealloc,
                root: instance.exports.root,
                memory: instance.exports.memory

            runParser(Module, '<!-- wp:foo /-->xyz');

Great, everything is ready to write the runParser function!

The parser runner

As a reminder, this function has to: Write the input (the blog post to parse) in the WebAssembly module memory (Module.memory), to call the root function (Module.root), and to read the result from the WebAssembly module memory. Let's do that:

function runParser(Module, raw_input) {
    const input = new TextEncoder().encode(raw_input);
    const input_pointer = writeBuffer(Module, input);
    const output_pointer = Module.root(input_pointer, input.length);
    const result = readNodes(Module, output_pointer);

    Module.dealloc(input_pointer, input.length);

    return result;

In details:

Great! So we have 2 functions to write right now: writeBuffer​ and readNodes.

Writing the data in memory

Let's go with the first one, writeBuffer:

function writeBuffer(Module, buffer) {
    const buffer_length = buffer.length;
    const pointer = Module.alloc(buffer_length);
    const memory = new Uint8Array(Module.memory.buffer);

    for (let i = 0; i < buffer_length; ++i) {
        memory[pointer + i] = buffer[i];

    return pointer;

In details:

Note that, unlike C strings, adding a NUL byte at the end is not mandatory. This is just the raw data (on the Rust side, we read it with slice::from_raw_parts, slice is a very simple structure).

Reading the output of the parser

So at this step, the input has been written in memory, and the root function has been called so it means the parser has run. It has returned a pointer to the output (the result) and we now have to read it and decode it.

Remind that the first 4 bytes encodes the number of nodes we have to read. Let's go!

function readNodes(Module, start_pointer) {
    const buffer = new Uint8Array(Module.memory.buffer.slice(start_pointer));
    const number_of_nodes = u8s_to_u32(buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2], buffer[3]);

    if (0 >= number_of_nodes) {
        return null;

    const nodes = [];
    let offset = 4;
    let end_offset;

    for (let i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; ++i) {
        const last_offset = readNode(buffer, offset, nodes);

        offset = end_offset = last_offset;

    Module.dealloc(start_pointer, start_pointer + end_offset);

    return nodes;

In details:

For the record, here is the u8s_to_u32 function, this is the exact opposite of u32_to_u8s:

function u8s_to_u32(o, p, q, r) {
    return (o << 24) | (p << 16) | (q << 8) | r;

And I will also share the readNode function, but I won't explain the details. This is just the decoding part of the output from the parser.

function readNode(buffer, offset, nodes) {
    const node_type = buffer[offset];

    // Block.
    if (1 === node_type) {
        const name_length = buffer[offset + 1];
        const attributes_length = u8s_to_u32(buffer[offset + 2], buffer[offset + 3], buffer[offset + 4], buffer[offset + 5]);
        const number_of_children = buffer[offset + 6];

        let payload_offset = offset + 7;
        let next_payload_offset = payload_offset + name_length;

        const name = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.slice(payload_offset, next_payload_offset));

        payload_offset = next_payload_offset;
        next_payload_offset += attributes_length;

        const attributes = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.slice(payload_offset, next_payload_offset)));

        payload_offset = next_payload_offset;
        let end_offset = payload_offset;

        const children = [];

        for (let i = 0; i < number_of_children; ++i) {
            const last_offset = readNode(buffer, payload_offset, children);

            payload_offset = end_offset = last_offset;

        nodes.push(new Block(name, attributes, children));

        return end_offset;
    // Phrase.
    else if (2 === node_type) {
        const phrase_length = u8s_to_u32(buffer[offset + 1], buffer[offset + 2], buffer[offset + 3], buffer[offset + 4]);
        const phrase_offset = offset + 5;
        const phrase = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.slice(phrase_offset, phrase_offset + phrase_length));

        nodes.push(new Phrase(phrase));

        return phrase_offset + phrase_length;
    } else {
        console.error('unknown node type', node_type);

Note that this code is pretty simple and easy to optimise by the Javascript virtual machine. It is almost important to note that this is not the original code. The original version is a little more optimised here and there, but they are very close.

And that's all! We have successfully read and decoded the output of the parser! We just need to write the Block and Phrase classes like this:

class Block {
    constructor(name, attributes, children) { = name;
        this.attributes = attributes;
        this.children = children;

class Phrase {
    constructor(phrase) {
        this.phrase = phrase;

The final output will be an array of those objects. Easy!

WebAssembly 🚀 NodeJS

Wasm to NodeJS

The differences between the Javascript version and the NodeJS version are few:

In order to share the code between both environments, it is possible to write the boundary layer (the Javascript code we wrote) in a .mjs file, aka ECMAScript Module. It allows to write something like import { Gutenberg_Post_Parser } from './gutenberg_post_parser.mjs' for example (considering the whole code we wrote before is a class). On the browser side, the script must be loaded with<script type="module" src="…" />, and on the NodeJS side, node must run with the --experimental-modules flag. I can recommend you this talk Please wait… loading: a tale of two loaders by Myles Borins at the JSConf EU 2018 to understand all the story about that.

The entire code lands here.


We have seen in details how to write a real world parser in Rust, how to compile it into a WebAssembly binary, and how to use it with Javascript and with NodeJS.

The parser can be used in a browser with regular Javascript code, or as a CLI with NodeJS, or on any platforms NodeJS supports.

The Rust part for WebAssembly plus the Javascript part totals 313 lines of code. This is a tiny surface of code to review and to maintain compared to writing a Javascript parser from scratch.

Another argument is the safety and performance. Rust is memory safe, we know that. It is also performant, but is it still true for the WebAssembly target? The following table shows the benchmark results of the actual Javascript parser for the Gutenberg project (implemented with PEG.js), against this project: The Rust parser as a WebAssembly binary.

DocumentJavascript parser (ms)Rust parser as a WebAssembly binary (ms)speedup
demo-post.html13.1670.252× 52
shortcode-shortcomings.html26.7840.271× 98
redesigning-chrome-desktop.html75.5000.918× 82
web-at-maximum-fps.html88.1180.901× 98
early-adopting-the-future.html201.0113.329× 60
pygmalian-raw-html.html311.4162.692× 116
moby-dick-parsed.html2,466.53325.14× 98

Benchmarks between Javascript parser and Rust parser as a WebAssembly binary.

The WebAssembly binary is in average 86 times faster than the actual Javascript implementation. The median of the speedup is 98. Some edge cases are very interesting, like moby-dick-parsed.html where it takes 2.5s with the Javascript parser against 25ms with WebAssembly.

So not only it is safer, but it is faster than Javascript in this case. And it is only 300 lines of code.

Note that WebAssembly does not support SIMD yet: It is still a proposal. Rust is gently supporting it (example with PR #549). It will dramatically improve the performances!

We will see in the next episodes of this series that Rust can reach a lot of galaxies, and the more it travels, the more it gets interesting.

Thanks for reading!