The Webassembly Keyword

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I've loved Wasmer, I still love Wasmer

I'm proud of what I've done at Wasmer, but the toxic working environment forces me to leave. Here is the story of a really successful and beautiful project with a chaotic management.

Announcing the first Java library to run WebAssembly: Wasmer JNI
Announcing the first Postgres extension to run WebAssembly
Announcing the fastest WebAssembly runtime for Go: wasmer
🐘+🦀+🕸 php-ext-wasm: Migrating from wasmi to Wasmer
Bye bye Automattic, hello Wasmer
The ASM.js galaxy

In this episode, we explore the ASM.js galaxy, as a fallback to WebAssembly when the JavaScript host doesn't support it. We end by a benchmark comparing the Rust to WebAssembly to ASM.js to JavaScript design versus the PEG.js solution: is it faster? Is it still worth it after the conversions to ASM.js? Oh bloody… still yeah!

The WebAssembly galaxy

In this episode, we explore the WebAssembly galaxy.

We first off present WebAssembly. Then we see how to write a Rust program tailored for WebAssembly. We continue by explaining how to run this WebAssembly module on a JavaScript host. It brings some complications, like how to flatten an Abstract Syntax Tree to get fast memory accesses between Rust and JavaScript. We continue by reducing the size of the WebAssembly module to make it as small as possible, smaller than a tiny image. Finally, we compare performance of this Rust to WebAssembly to JavaScript design versus the original PEG.js solution: is it faster? Oh yeah… it is!