Rüsh Release

Since 2 years, at Hoa, we are looking for the perfect release process. Today, we have finalized the last thing related to this new process: we have found a name. It is called Rüsh Release, standing for Rolling Ünd ScHeduled Release.

The following explanations are useful from the user point of view, not from the developer point of view. It means that we do not explain all the branches and the workflow between all of them. We will settle for the user final impact.

Rolling Release

On one hand, Hoa is not and will never be finished. We will never reach the “Holy 1.0 Grail”. So, one might reckon that Hoa is rolling-released? Let's dive into this direction. There are plenty rolling release types out there, such as:

I am not going to explain all of them. All you need to know is that Hoa is partly and truly rolling released, or part- and _true-_rolling released for short. Why? Firstly, “Part-rolling project has a subset of software packages that are not rolling”. If we look at Hoa only, it is fully rolling but Hoa depends on PHP virtual machines to be executed, which are not rolling released (for the most popular ones at least). Thus, Hoa is partly rolling released. Secondly, “True-rolling [project] are developed solely using a rolling release software development model”, which is the case of Hoa. Consequently and finally, the master branch is the final public branch, it means that it always contains the latest version, and users constantly fetch updates from it.


Sounds good. On the other hand, the majority of programs that are using Hoa use tools called dependency managers. The most popular in PHP is Composer. This is a fantastic tool but with a little spine that hurts us a lot: it does not support rolling release! Most of the time, dependency managers work with version numbers, mainly of the form _x_._y_._z_, with a specific semantics for _x_, _y_ and _z_. For instance, some people have agreed about semver, standing for Semantic Versioning.

Also, we are not extremist. We understand the challenges and the needs behind versioning. So, how to mix both: rolling release and versioning? Before answering this question, let's progress a little step forward and learn more about an alternative versioning approach.

Scheduled-based release

Scheduled-based, also known as date-based, release allows to define releases at regular periods of time. This approach is widely adopted for projects that progress quickly, such as Firefox or PHP (see the PHP RFC: Release Process for example). For Firefox, every 6 weeks, a new version is released. Note that we should say a new update to be honest: the term version has an unclear meaning here.

The scheduled-based release seems a good candidate to be mixed with rolling release, isn't it?

Rüsh Release

Rüsh Release is a mix between part- and true-rolling release and scheduled-based release. The master branch is part- and true-rolling release, but with a semi-automatically versioning:

What is the version format then? We have proposed _YY_{2,4}._mm_._dd_, starting from 2000, our “Rüsh Epoch”.

Nevertheless, we are not infallible and we can potentially break backward compatibility. It never happened but we have to face it. This is a problem because neither the part- and true-rolling release nor the scheduled-based release holds the information that the backward compatibility has been broken. Therefore, the master branch must have a compatibility number _x_, starting from 1 with step of 1. Consequently, the new and last version format is _x_._Y_{2,4}._mm_._dd_. For today for instance, it is

With the Rüsh Release process, we can freely rolling release our libraries while ensuring the safety and embracing the pros of versioning.

So, now, you will be able to change your composer.json files from:

  "require": {
    "hoa/websocket": "dev-master"
  "minimum-stability": "dev"

to (learn more about the tilde operator):

    "require": {
        "hoa/websocket": "~1.0"
