Generate strings based on regular expressions

During my PhD thesis, I have partly worked on the problem of the automatic accurate test data generation. In order to be complete and self-contained, I have addressed all kinds of data types, including strings. This article aims at showing how to generate accurate and relevant strings under several constraints.

What is a regular expression?

We are talking about formal language theory here. In the known world, there are four kinds of languages. More formally, in 1956, the Chomsky hierarchy has been formulated, classifying grammars (which define languages) in four levels:

  1. unrestricted grammars, matching langages known as Turing languages, no restriction,
  2. context-sensitive grammars, matching contextual languages,
  3. context-free grammars, matching algebraic languages, based on stacked automata,
  4. regular grammars, matching regular languages.

Each level includes the next level. The last level is the “weaker”, which must not sound negative here. Regular expressions are used often because of their simplicity and also because they solve most problems we encounter daily.

A regular expression is a small language with very few operators and, most of the time, a simple semantics. For instance ab(c|d) means: a word (a data) starting by ab and followed by c or d. We also have quantification operators (also known as repetition operators), such as ?, * and +. We also have {_x_,_y_} to define a repetition between _x_ and _y_. Thus, ? is equivalent to {0,1}, * to {0,} and + to {1,}. When _y_ is missing, it means +∞, so unbounded (or more exactly, bounded by the limits of the machine). So, for instance ab(c|d){2,4}e? means: a word starting by ab, followed 2, 3 or 4 times by c or d (so cc, cd, dc, ccc, ccd, cdc and so on) and potentially followed by e.

The goal here is not to teach you regular expressions but this is kind of a tiny reminder. There are plenty of regular languages. You might know POSIX regular expression or Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE). Forget the first one, please. The syntax and the semantics are too much limited. PCRE is the regular language I recommend all the time.

Behind every formal language there is a graph. A regular expression is compiled into a Finite State Machine (FSM). I am not going to draw and explain them, but it is interesting to know that behind a regular expression there is a basic automaton. No magic.

Why focussing regular expressions?

This article focuses on regular languages instead of other kind of languages because we use them very often (even daily). I am going to address context-free languages in another article, be patient young padawan. The needs and constraints with other kind of languages are not the same and more complex algorithms must be involved. So we are going easy for the first step.

Understanding PCRE: lex and parse them

The Hoa\Compiler library provides both LL(1) LL(k) compiler-compilers. The documentation describes how to use it. We discover that the LL(k) compiler comes with a grammar description language called PP. What does it mean? It means for instance that the grammar of the PCRE can be written with the PP language and that Hoa\Compiler\Llk will transform this grammar into a compiler. That's why we call them “compiler of compilers”.

Fortunately, the Hoa\Regex library provides the grammar of the PCRE language in the hoa://Library/Regex/Grammar.pp file. Consequently, we are able to analyze regular expressions written in the PCRE language! Let's try in a shell at first with the hoa compiler:pp tool:

$ echo 'ab(c|d){2,4}e?' | hoa compiler:pp hoa://Library/Regex/Grammar.pp 0 --visitor dump
>  #expression
>  >  #concatenation
>  >  >  token(literal, a)
>  >  >  token(literal, b)
>  >  >  #quantification
>  >  >  >  #alternation
>  >  >  >  >  token(literal, c)
>  >  >  >  >  token(literal, d)
>  >  >  >  token(n_to_m, {2,4})
>  >  >  #quantification
>  >  >  >  token(literal, e)
>  >  >  >  token(zero_or_one, ?)

We read that the whole expression is composed of a single concatenation of two tokens: a and b, followed by a quantification, followed by another quantification. The first quantification is an alternation of (a choice betwen) two tokens: c and d, between 2 to 4 times. The second quantification is the e token that can appear zero or one time. Pretty simple.

The final output of the Hoa\Compiler\Llk\Parser class is an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The documentation of Hoa\Compiler explains all that stuff, you should read it. The LL(k) compiler is cut out into very distinct layers in order to improve hackability. Again, the documentation teach us we have four levels in the compilation process: lexical analyzer, syntactic analyzer, trace and AST. The lexical analyzer (also known as lexer) transforms the textual data being analyzed into a sequence of tokens (formally known as lexemes). It checks whether the data is composed of the good pieces. Then, the syntactic analyzer (also known as parser) checks that the order of tokens in this sequence is correct (formally we say that it derives the sequence, see the Matching words section to learn more).

Still in the shell, we can get the result of the lexical analyzer by using the --token-sequence option; thus:

$ echo 'ab(c|d){2,4}e?' | hoa compiler:pp hoa://Library/Regex/Grammar.pp 0 --token-sequence
  #  …  token name   token value  offset
  0  …  literal      a                 0
  1  …  literal      b                 1
  2  …  capturing_   (                 2
  3  …  literal      c                 3
  4  …  alternation  |                 4
  5  …  literal      d                 5
  6  …  _capturing   )                 6
  7  …  n_to_m       {2,4}             7
  8  …  literal      e                12
  9  …  zero_or_one  ?                13
 10  …  EOF                           15

This is the sequence of tokens produced by the lexical analyzer. The tree is not yet built because this is the first step of the compilation process. However this is always interesting to understand these different steps and see how it works.

Now we are able to analyze any regular expressions in the PCRE format! The result of this analysis is a tree. You know what is fun with trees? Visiting them.

Visiting the AST

Unsurprisingly, each node of the AST can be visited thanks to the Hoa\Visitor library. Here is an example with the “dump” visitor:


use Hoa\Compiler;
use Hoa\File;

// 1. Load grammar.
$compiler = Compiler\Llk\Llk::load(
    new File\Read('hoa://Library/Regex/Grammar.pp')

// 2. Parse a data.
$ast = $compiler->parse('ab(c|d){2,4}e?');

// 3. Dump the AST.
$dump = new Compiler\Visitor\Dump();
echo $dump->visit($ast);

This program will print the same AST dump we have previously seen in the shell.

How to write our own visitor? A visitor is a class with a single visit method. Let's try a visitor that pretty print a regular expression, i.e. transform:




Why a pretty printer? First, it shows how to visit a tree. Second, it shows the structure of the visitor: we filter by node ID (#expression, #quantification, token etc.) and we apply respective computations. A pretty printer is often a good way for being familiarized with the structure of an AST.

Here is the class. It catches only useful constructions for the given example:


use Hoa\Visitor;

class PrettyPrinter implements Visitor\Visit {
    public function visit(
        Visitor\Element $element,
        &$handle = null,
        $eldnah  = null
    ) {
        static $_indent = 0;

        $out = null;
        $nodeId = $element->getId();

        switch($nodeId) {
            // Reset indentation and…
            case '#expression':
                $_indent = 0;

            // … visit all the children.
            case '#quantification':
                foreach($element->getChildren() as $child)
                    $out .= $child->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

            // One new line between each children of the concatenation.
            case '#concatenation':
                foreach($element->getChildren() as $child)
                    $out .= $child->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah) . "\n";

            // Add parenthesis and increase indentation.
            case '#alternation':
                $oout = [];

                $pIndent = str_repeat('    ', $_indent);
                $cIndent = str_repeat('    ', $_indent);

                foreach($element->getChildren() as $child)
                    $oout[] = $cIndent . $child->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

                $out .= $pIndent . '(' . "\n" .
                        implode("\n" . $cIndent . '|' . "\n", $oout) . "\n" .
                        $pIndent . ')';

            // Print token value verbatim.
            case 'token':
                $tokenId = $element->getValueToken();
                $tokenValue = $element->getValueValue();

                switch($tokenId) {

                    case 'literal':
                    case 'n_to_m':
                    case 'zero_or_one':
                        $out .= $tokenValue;

                        throw new RuntimeException(
                            'Token ID ' . $tokenId . ' is not well-handled.'

                throw new RuntimeException(
                    'Node ID ' . $nodeId . ' is not well-handled.'

        return $out;

And finally, we apply the pretty printer on the AST like previously seen:


$compiler = Compiler\Llk\Llk::load(
    new File\Read('hoa://Library/Regex/Grammar.pp')
$ast = $compiler->parse('ab(c|d){2,4}e?');
$prettyprint = new PrettyPrinter();
echo $prettyprint->visit($ast);

Et voilà !

Now, put all that stuff together!

Isotropic generation

We can use Hoa\Regex and Hoa\Compiler to get the AST of any regular expressions written in the PCRE format. We can use Hoa\Visitor to traverse the AST and apply computations according to the type of nodes. Our goal is to generate strings based on regular expressions. What kind of generation are we going to use? There are plenty of them: uniform random, smallest, coverage based…

The simplest is isotropic generation, also known as random generation. But random says nothing: what is the repartition, or do we have any uniformity? Isotropic means each choice will be solved randomly and uniformly. Uniformity has to be defined: does it include the whole set of nodes or just the immediate children of the node? Isotropic means we consider only immediate children. For instance, a node #alternation has c immediate children, the probability C to choose one child is:

P (C) = 1 c P(C) = \frac{1}{c}

Yes, simple as that!

We can use the Hoa\Math library that provides the Hoa\Math\Sampler\Random class to sample uniform random integers and floats. Ready?

Structure of the visitor

The structure of the visitor is the following:


use Hoa\Visitor;
use Hoa\Math;

class IsotropicSampler implements Visitor\Visit {
    protected $_sampler = null;

    public function __construct(Math\Sampler $sampler) {
        $this->_sampler = $sampler;


    public function visit(
        Visitor\Element $element,
        &$handle = null,
        $eldnah = null
    ) {
        switch($element->getId()) {
            //        }

We set a sampler and we start visiting and filtering nodes by their node ID. The following code will generate a string based on the regular expression contained in the $expression variable:


$expression  = '';
$ast = $compiler->parse($expression);
$generator = new IsotropicSampler(new Math\Sampler\Random());
echo $generator->visit($ast);

We are going to change the value of $expression step by step until having ab(c|d){2,4}e?.

Case of #expression

A node of type #expression has only one child. Thus, we simply return the computation of this node:


case '#expression':
    return $element->getChild(0)->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

Case of token

We consider only one type of token for now: literal. A literal can contain an escaped character, can be a single character or can be . (which means everything). We consider only a single character for this example (spoil: the whole visitor already exists). Thus:


case 'token':
    return $element->getValueValue();

Here, with $expression = 'a'; we get the string a.

Case of #concatenation

A concatenation is just the computation of all children joined in a single piece of string. Thus:


case '#concatenation':
    $out = null;

    foreach($element->getChildren() as $child)
        $out .= $child->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

    return $out;

At this step, with $expression = 'ab'; we get the string ab. Totally crazy.

Case of #alternation

An alternation is a choice between several children. All we have to do is to select a child based on the probability given above. The number of children for the current node can be known thanks to the getChildrenNumber method. We are also going to use the sampler of integers. Thus:


case '#alternation':
    $childIndex = $this->_sampler->getInteger(
        $element->getChildrenNumber() - 1

    return $element->getChild($childIndex)
                   ->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

Now, with $expression = 'ab(c|d)'; we get the strings abc or abd at random. Try several times to see by yourself.

Case of #quantification

A quantification is an alternation of concatenations. Indeed, e{2,4} is strictly equivalent to ee|eee|eeee. We have only two quantifications in our example: ? and {_x_,_y_}. We are going to find the value for _x_ and _y_ and then choose at random between these bounds. Let's go:


case '#quantification':
    $out = null;
    $x = 0;
    $y = 0;

    // Filter the type of quantification.
    switch($element->getChild(1)->getValueToken()) {
        // ?
        case 'zero_or_one':
            $y = 1;

        // {x,y}
        case 'n_to_m':
            $xy = explode(
                trim($element->getChild(1)->getValueValue(), '{}')
            $x  = (int) trim($xy[0]);
            $y  = (int) trim($xy[1]);

    // Choose the number of repetitions.
    $max = $this->_sampler->getInteger($x, $y);

    // Concatenate.
    for($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
        $out .= $element->getChild(0)->accept($this, $handle, $eldnah);

    return $out;

Finally, with $expression = 'ab(c|d){2,4}e?'; we can have the following strings: abdcce, abdc, abddcd, abcde etc. Nice isn't it? Want more?


for($i = 0; $i < 42; ++$i) {
    echo $generator->visit($ast), "\n";

 * Could output:
 *     abdce
 *     abdcc
 *     abcdde
 *     abcdcd
 *     abcde
 *     abcc
 *     abddcde
 *     abddcce
 *     abcde
 *     abcc
 *     abdcce
 *     abcde
 *     abdce
 *     abdd
 *     abcdce
 *     abccd
 *     abdcdd
 *     abcdcce
 *     abcce
 *     abddc


This is difficult to give numbers because it depends of a lot of parameters: your machine configuration, the PHP VM, if other programs run etc. But I have generated 1 million strings in less than 25 seconds on my machine (an old MacBook Pro), which is pretty reasonable.

Conclusion and surprise

So, yes, now we know how to generate strings based on regular expressions! Supporting all the PCRE format is difficult. That's why the Hoa\Regex library provides the Hoa\Regex\Visitor\Isotropic class that is a more advanced visitor. This latter supports classes, negative classes, ranges, all quantifications, all kinds of literals (characters, escaped characters, types of characters —\w, \d, \h…—) etc. Consequently, all you have to do is:


use Hoa\Regex;

//$generator = new Regex\Visitor\Isotropic(new Math\Sampler\Random());
echo $generator->visit($ast);

This algorithm is used in Praspel, a specification language I have designed during my PhD thesis. More specifically, this algorithm is used inside realistic domains. I am not going to explain it today but it allows me to introduce the “surprise”.

Generate strings based on regular expressions in atoum

atoum is an awesome unit test framework. You can use the Atoum\PraspelExtension extension to use Praspel and therefore realistic domains inside atoum. You can use realistic domains to validate and to generate data, they are designed for that. Obviously, we can use the Regex realistic domain. This extension provides several features including sample, sampleMany and predicate to respectively generate one datum, generate many data and validate a datum based on a realistic domain. To declare a regular expression, we must write:


$regex = $this->realdom->regex('/ab(c|d){2,4}e?/');

And to generate a datum, all we have to do is:


$datum = $this->sample($regex);

For instance, imagine you are writing a test called test_mail and you need an email address:


public function test_mail() {
            $regex   = $this->realdom->regex('/[\w\-_]+(\.[\w\-\_]+)*@\w\.(net|org)/'),
            $address = $this->sample($regex),
            $mailer  = new \Mock\Mailer(),

Easy to read, fast to execute and help to focus on the logic of the test instead of test data (also known as fixtures). Note that most of the time the regular expressions are already in the code (maybe as constants). It is therefore easier to write and to maintain the tests.

I hope you enjoyed this first part of the series :-)! This work has been published in the International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation: Grammar-Based Testing using Realistic Domains in PHP.